The Digital Media Podcast


The First University Podcast accredited by Apple @ UCF

Episode #26 – Video Game Violence and Rage

episode 26

This show consists of a rousing discussion about violence in video games and movies and the influence that these types of media have on society. There is also a brief preview of the content of next week’s show. Please remember to take our UCF Digital Media Podcast survey.


Filed under: digital media, podcast, ucf

the digital media podcast

At first, the Digital Media podcast was a fun project started by a few students to have an internet radio show about new web applications, social networking, blogging, podcasting, entertainment, arts and how the web is changing our lives in general. It is officially accredited by Apple’s iTunesU to be the “First University Podcast”.

Now, the podcast has grown to over 165,000 unique hits and over 13,000 average individual international downloads. It has also been featured on the front page of iTunes podcasting technology section several times.